leo grayson ◦ nightwing ◦ thirty ◦ aries ◦ orphan◦ born in la, california ◦ martial arts trainer

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full name date of birth family occupation education orientation + status tattoos/scars leo michael grayson march 21 + thirty jason grayson (deceased). margot grayson (deceased). ex film stuntman, currently owner and instructor at flying kicks karate high school graduate heterosexual + free agent scars only

the story As a child Leo Grayson believed that there was nothing worse in the world than having his father miss his black belt ceremony. Something that happened at an exceptionally young age. Or maybe it was never more terrible than his mother making him late for gymnastics because she had to put dinner in the oven or it'd never be done in time. Leo was a rambunctious young man filled with a fearlessness and drive for trouble. Often caught climbing too high in trees or playing a pick up game with his friends in the yard. He was sociable, likable, and polite. He just had too much energy for his parents, Jason and Margot Grayson who were antique store owners.

It was a natural progression as Leo got older that his parents would find a way to channel his energy into something they deemed productive. At the age of six Leo was enrolled in gynastics and karate classes. So many that they had him classes every night of the week except for sundays which they set aside for church only. Leo hated to be kept in a room for anything longer than five minutes, his energy building up until the sisters of his classes would pull him out by the ear for disruption. His excuse was always the same, he was bored sitting still. The activity in his gymnastics and karate classes helped him to be focused for the rest of the day. It was something he learned to love quickly and with this passion came the want to practice and with that came a certain talent that made shine above the other students.

It wasn't all sunshine at rainbows for Leo Grayson, although for the first eight years of his life it sure seemed like everything was going his way. He was preparing for a martial arts competition, his first ever where he'd be showing off his skills, when the phone rang. He was curious and bad so when Margot closed the door to the bedroom she shared with her husband, Leo picked up the line at the other end like he had done hundreds of times before to hear his parents talk when they thought he couldn't hear them. This time wasn't them talking about what was dinner or where the Christmas presents where. This time his mother was receiving the news that she had terminal brain cancer. She passed within the year. Leo was devestated at the loss of his mother. A young man should never have to face such a life altering event such as the loss of a parent when he needs them the most, but it was beyond his control.

The loss os his mother rocked the Grayson family's world. His father, Jason, felt into a deep depression. Leo would often come home to find his father passed out in the living room with beer bottles thrown about the room or in his bedroom crying about how he couldn't continue without his wife. The young man had to grow up quickly at that moment as someone had to make sure that he was taken care of, even if it meant taking care of himself. Other people saw it coming, or at the very least werent surprised when they heard the news that Jason Grayson had taken his own life on the anniversary of his wife's death. For Leo Grayson this now meant he was alone.

With no known family to take him Leo was pushed into the foster care system and his parents shop was sold to make a fund for his continued education in martial arts and gymnastics. Even though he had been dealt a terrible hand he was considered lucky by the state for finding a foster family that kept him long enough to want to adopt him. Adjusting to his new life was an uphill battle that had been filled with terrible outbursts of aggression and bad behavior. He was getting into fights at school, starting trouble with local boys, and was even arrested twice for trespassing at the age of sixteen. After nearly being dropped from his martial arts program for breaking their behavior contract, he was handed a bostaff by his instructor. "You need to be more focused, prepare yourself with this." Determined to be as impressive with the bostaff as he was in every other aspect of his life, he struggled night and day until he was taking ribbons for his talents at martial art competitions.

At the age of 18, with his high school graduation under his belt Leo decided to get involved in the film industry as a stuntman. His job allowed him to combine his love for danger with his martial art and parkour skills. It also gave him a new group of people to impress. A new challenge which he accepted spectularly. He became known as the man who'd do anything without asking any questions. He became known as a man with a death wish. He'd do the most dangerous of stunts without approvals. He'd risk his life on a daily basis just because he could. He was still new to the business at the age of 21 when a stunt went terribly wrong and landed Leo in the hospital with a broken back from a flipped car stunt that featured an unexpected collision. The stunt ended his career because his foster mother begged him to find something less dangerous. Fearing that his new family would abandon him as well he quit for her sake and took what was left of his savings to move to Boston with his adoptive brother.

Boston was a new start for the young Leo Grayson so he decided it was time to leave the past behind him, LA was where everything went wrong and Boston would be where everything was right so he changed his name to Lee Grayson. There was something about Boston that was different to him and his brother. It felt strange but right. He found himself a loft in probably the worst part of town, but it was affordable. After two years of odd jobs Lee also found himself opening up a karate studio, Flying Kick, with his brother. How they got the funding isn't exactly something he talks about, but it's fair to say that he better pay it back. His story is only just beginning.

one. two. three. four. five. six seven. eight. nine. ten. eleven. twelve. thirteen. fourteen. fifteen. sixteen. seventeen. eighteen. nineteen. twenty. born and raised in la, california. was very athletic as a child so his family put him into gymnastics and martial arts. mother died from brain cancer at the age of 8. father took his life at the age of 9. became interested in parkour and break dancing at the age of 10. arrested twice for tresspassing and resisting during his parkour runs. fotunate enough to stay in one foster home until he was 18. was nationally ranked competitor in martial arts tournaments. became a stuntman for film and tv from 18-22. broken back led to a career change. moved to boston with his adoptive brother. gifted with a bo staff. co-owns flying kick karate with his adoptive brother. blue eyes. 6'2". cocky and sarcastic by nature but also a reckless flirt and show off. known for being a realist. is in to breakdancing and parkouring for fun and party tricks. has an allergy to peanuts. flying kicks has taken start-up loans from some unsavory people.
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pb: jake gyllenhaal ◦ nightwing - comics only ◦ eastern standard time ◦ 3rd person, storybook, adult or ftb.◦ ©